Our Business
PT. Celebes Railway Indonesia
PT Celebes Railway Indonesia is responsible for the maintenance and operation of railway tracks in the South Sulawesi region dan this project aims to enhance connectivity and accelerate economic growth in South Sulawesi by providing an efficient and modern transportation alternative. Additionally, the presence of this railway network is expected to reduce the burden on highways and support better distribution of goods and passenger mobility.
PT CRI Service
Railway Inspection and Maintenance
- Railway infrastructure inspection is an activity carried out to find out the condition and function of railway infrastructure.
- Railway infrastructure maintenance is an activity carried out to maintain the reliability of railway infrastructure so that it remains operational.
Connection Maintenance
Connection maintenance is carried out to keep the condition of the connection in good condition so that train operations can run smoothly.
Wesel Maintenance
Maintain the reliability of Wesel so that it continues to function properly
Topographic Survey
A data collection process that provides detailed information about the earth’s surface and its natural features, including altitude, landscapes, and other important objects.
Ballast Profile
Retaliatory tidying activities in accordance with applicable standards and regulations
Boundary Sign Maintenance
Maintenance was carried out such as painting the boundary sign to find out the location of the kilometers on the rail road
Restock Balast
The activity of adding ballast in locations where there is less ballast is in accordance with the standard provisions.
Telecommunication Signal Inspection
It is carried out to maintain the condition that the operating facilities can function properly and are safe to operate continuously in accordance with technical requirements.
Arch Inspection
Activities carried out to find out changes in conditions due to the centrifugal force of the train which results in a shift in the bow / arrow or a decrease in the level of the railway road.
Geometry Force
Activities carried out to equalize the height difference of the rail road
Free Space Maintenance
Maintenance of free space is carried out to keep the operation of the train free from obstacles and obstacles.
Train Travel Graph
The guidelines for regulating the implementation of train travel are depicted in the form of lines showing the station, time, distance, speed, and position of train travel starting from departure, stop, arrival, crossing, and overtaking, which are graphically depicted for train travel control.
River Hydraulic Maintenance
The process of measuring and mapping the topography of the riverbed to understand the condition of the riverbed, monitor morphological changes, and for the purpose of planning and managing water resources.
Project Scope
Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Cooperation with Availability Payment (AP), with PT Celebes Railway Indonesia as the Business Entity
Construction of F Segment & Emplacement of Garongkong, Operation & Maintenance Of B-C-D-F SEGMENT
South Sulawesi Covers 5 Regencies / Cities: Maros, Pangkajene and Islands, Barru, Makassar, and Parepare.
Investment (CAPEX) & Operating Cost (Opex)